EYPServices are proud to announce the launch of their CPD accredited Safeguarding with Prevent Duty Online Course. This course can be undertaken by all members of staff as a standalone certificate or as part of a complete early years training solution. Take all courses including the Safeguarding with Prevent Duty Online Course for as little [...]
British Values
British Values have been in the news recently in the wake of the Trojan horse scandals but what are British values? What do British Values look like in practise? How will OFSTED assess the sector against this new requirement? Book Commission I have been commissioned to write a book on 'British Values in Practise'. This [...]
Teaching and the EYFS
With the revised EYFS inspection schedules asking for evidence on how practitioners teach young children, how ready do you feel to answer this question? What does teaching mean to you? Can you demonstrate different teaching methods in your daily practice?
Early Years Pupil Premium
The news that settings will be given an amount of money per child, to support the most vulnerable children has to be good news for all concerned but how will you spend your EYPP? staffing? training? resources?
Allergy Awareness
From December 2014 there were a number of legislative changes that affected the way in which the childcare sector presents its menus and details of its ingredients. Are you ready for these changes? Do you feel enough support and guidance has been given?